Yet Another Meal Organiser!

Do you find yourself staring at your pantry hoping for some inspiration?

Or do you seem to spend a whole lot of money on groceries and never seem to come home with much?

Do you often end up buying an expensive takeaway meal because you either can't think of anything to cook or you are sick of eating the same meals over and over??

This was my situation just a few months ago.

I started checking out different websites looking for inspiration. If you are reading this then you have probably done the same thing and would know all about the many different ways that people have to try to organise their cooking. You can cook and freeze all your meals for a whole month or write down all your recipes and buy in bulk. In fact, there are countless ways to organise your household's mealtimes. I'm not offering anything new or even that exciting - just a system that I have adopted which works well for me.

You see, I'm not a really well-disciplined person and so the thought of planning and cooking 30 meals in advance scares me LOL. I also love to eat food and enjoy different tastes so I like to have room for exploring new recipes and adapting the ones that I know and love. I should warn you now that I don't cook with recipes - I make things up as I go along, adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I don't think that I have ever made one pasta sauce that tastes the same as a previous one!! See my recipes page for the latest variation


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