Tenth and Eleventh Months

On 8 April Liam started to crawl and his world has expanded!
Unlike most babies, Liam doesn't crawl on his hands and knees.
Instead he pulls himself along the floor in a "commando crawl".
He looks like he is swimming on dry land but he is able to cover a LOT of territory!!

Soon after he perfected the art of the commando crawl
Liam also learned how to pull himself up to a standing position.
He likes to climb on his parents and torment Kaboobie when she is sitting on the lounge!

Liam spent alot of time with friends and relatives in April:
he had a busy Easter weekend - you can readabout his activities
he visited his paternal grandparents and his older cousins in Canberra
he went to the wedding of his mum's cousin
his maternal grandparents came to stay from Adelaide
and he went on weekly outings with his playgroup pals!!

After a month of dragging himself along
Liam now crawls in the more traditional manner on his hands and knees.

He also kneels and can "walk" short distances on his knees.

On 20 May Liam started to wave goodbye to people,
even if they aren't going anywhere!
He also sprouted a "fang" tooth this month but the two top front teeth are yet to appear.


Liam in his new highchair
aged 9 months

Liam standing up against the spare bed
aged 9 months

Liam with his cousins in Canberra
April 2000

Liam with his Grandma and Grandpa in Canberra
April 2000


These graphics are from: